Being 100% Responsible

I believe the most difficult aspect to assume is when we affirm that we are totally responsible for everything that occurs in our life, absolutely everything, because the world is only our data continuously repeating themselves in the subconscious and then manifesting themselves.

I am responsible for the world I perceive. Nothing exists outside; only my perception of the world is see actually exists.

My eyes and physical senses only perceive that which is already in my mind, they are merely a projector of my subconscious and everything that I see, hear, feel, smell, taste, was at some point etched as a memory in my subconscious and if I recognize it, it is because it is already a part of me.

My subconscious projects on the outside all which I experience inside, it is very similar to the dream world. I have no idea of what is happening in my world, it is all a projection of my mind. Therefore, I am 100% responsible of all that happens around me, and if I have created it, I can also change it.

Everything that my senses capture are interpretations that my mind has previously made so that everything has a meaning that I have assigned to it. Nothing happens that I do not perceive through a filter, nothing is neutral to me.

So everything that happens in my life, everything I read, see, hear, look at, at imperceptible speed, I give a meaning to hence already existing as a concept and as a judgment.

I am therefore 100% responsible for everything that happens in my life, for everything I think and for everything I experience and consequently manifest. Rarely does new information arrive and I generally classify it according to my old way of thinking.

We are so used to not assuming responsibility for our experiences that even our lack of peace we place on external events, on what others apparently do to us and so we believe it to be.

For example, let us suppose Juanita is extremely annoyed by anyone touching her books in her library, se get furious and feels attacked every time anyone does it as if she had been pierced with a stake through her stomach, she feels so hurt and upset that she goes into a fury causing an argument with the aggressor. It just so happens that Juanita, at some point of her history, decided that it was best that nobody put her books in order because it was then difficult for her to find what she was looking for. That decision was imprinted in her subconscious and she got used to being the only person who manipulated them. Today, she is not even aware of why she gets so irrationally upset, she cannot explain it but she continues to react to a past situation.

The thing is that now Juanita is not only a person, she is a body, she is her clothes and she is her library. Juanita is now enormous; she is also her home, her city, her country and all her beliefs. What is hers is untouchable because we hurt her or so she believes but is her thoughts that hurt her, nothing happens outside; it was she who surrendered her peace. Juanita goes about the world in defensive mode and cannot see with love her mother´s gesture of dusting the books in her library.

Thus we go through life, unconscious of the decisions made and of the reactions we have; we see an aggressor. We judge according to our beliefs but we also attract a reality in concordance with them and we do not consider ourselves responsible for having created this.

We have taken trillions of decisions from the moment of our creation till the present and we are not aware of them. We have possessed them in such a way that they are part of our conduct and of our codes and then we react.

How good it would be to clean or eliminate these choices whose origin and purpose we do not know but that are inserted in the way we proceed and perceive.

How good it would be to see the world neutrally or perhaps with the eyes of love and cease to assign the same meaning we gave to it at some past moment. Everything we see outside of us, our whole world, is only a projection of how we have registered the information, we have no idea of what is real and what is happening, and therefore we are 100% responsible of the world we experience.

The reality I see is not real, it is an illusion colored with my fears, my judgments and the meaning I once gave it. I only see the information that is in my subconscious and find it impossible to see things as they truly are.

We can see again with new eyes and begin to question our fears; we can clean to once again see with the eyes of God, we can once again be like innocent children. It is a matter of letting go and giving ourselves permission.

We can create our world as we want it. We can learn to not believe in our thoughts and we will become indifferent to them. That is our awesome power. We can clean and regain peace. It all begins with a new choice.

I love you.

Jocelyne Ramniceanu

The Deserving Attitude

We frequently do not fulfill our dreams because we believe we will fail, we lack self confidence and therefore we sabotage ourselves. We think it is not worth it, not worth the effort and deep down what we have is the feeling of not deserving happiness, living with love or having money. To remedy this situation, we must work on our beliefs about deserving.

Developing a deserving attitude is quite easy if we set our minds to it; it requires a good dose of constancy but the results are well worth it.

 I suggest an exercise that has given me positive results because I have made the effort and not making the effort is also part of that resistance that we all have towards change and that keeps us tied to a state of comfort even when the results are unpleasant and devoid of happiness.

It is all about making a conscious and firm decision, a continuous affirmation that must stem from deep inside your heart with utter conviction, security and without a shadow of a doubt.


When you do this affirmation or any other that is similar and works and convinces you, it should be charged with energy, with a sense of power; you must feel the vital energy flow through your entire body, from head to toe (mana). It is like a tingling sensation. This is the energy of all things created, it is the universe´s divine energy and it is the creating energy that gives you life, which is inside you and allows you to manifest yourself.

The ideal state to insert these ideas into your subconscious mind is achieved by doing deep breathing exercises, specially the HA breath, then serenely and calmly determine that YOU DESERVE ALL THAT IS GOOD. The breath will produce extra mana or vital energy that you need to manifest. Then feel how the mana travels through your cells and your entire body.

In order to fix these affirmations inside yourself, you must contribute acting with the certainty of deserving it all and to deserve peace, love and money you must feel that you already possess these things, that they are already a part of you and share peace, love and money with the world, with the universe, with everyone.

If any doubts remain even after trying, then we revise all our beliefs that do not allow us to feel deserving, we write them down on a piece of paper and then, one by one, we say to them: “I humbly ask for forgiveness for having tied these memories to my reality. . . I am sorry. . . Thank you for this opportunity to set them and myself free” or “Dear memories, I love you. Thank you for this opportunity to set you and myself free” or any other phrase that comes to mind at that moment. We then get rid of the piece of paper but every time a similar thought appears, we repeat the process, thus eliminating all doubts and instilling in your subconscious the new determination that is naturally a part of your true being.

When we believe that we do not deserve all that is good, we must understand that these thoughts were gradually inserted in our psyche from the moment of our creation and we have believed it so but these thoughts are not a reflection of who we truly are. We are divine beings experiencing our human existence.

Every day that goes by we will continue to encounter situations where we easily revert to the non-deserving attitude, so you must be aware of these circumstances and not latch on to them, do not take them personally; that is how old habits secure their presence.

When facing any situation that you feel conquers you, once again practice breathing, relax and follow through with the Ho´oponopono tools above mentioned. Do not try anything, just stay relaxed and you will be surprised how a fresh breath of air begins to dissipate any feeling of being vanquished.

Memories are reluctant and will try to take you by surprise; that is how they act but always remain relaxed, breathe deeply and remember that you deserve. Tell yourself over and over with faith, with the same faith you have in God that you deserve: that you deserve to prosper in your relationships, in love, in your finances and last and most importantly, believe it.

I love you.

Jocelyne Ramniceanu

Coming home

A friend of mine asked me to write about death and I was reluctant to the idea for several days. It is a difficult subject for me and one where we share many memories. Finally, it began to flow. I felt that I had to do it because we need to perceive death in a different way, without fear.

We all have a family member or someone close to us that have passed away and we have been left paralyzed and saddened by their departure.

Death, apart from the void it causes, is associated with the physical pain of the person who has departed and with the emotional pain of us who remain. Our memories of pain and grief are deeply engrained within us and it might help to understand that death is not final and that it is always liberation.

We have the impression that we are all separate and physical death makes us believe this illusion.

My purpose in writing about this subject is to help us change our beliefs and replace them with our understanding of what a transition is, a transformation and perhaps an evolvement towards something superior.

We have all heard talk about, and many of us have experiences with spiritism, regressions, communication with beings of other planes of existence, memories of past lives and channeling. I have no doubt they are real. We can all experience a certain type of contact if we prepare ourselves and manage to modify our frequencies in order to gain access to other planes of consciousness.

So death as such does not exist, it is just a transformation from the physical to the ethereal. The essential “I” is freed and death is the birth of a new adventure, of change.

We have enormous illusions that confuse us. We believe we are a body and not a soul when the body is the instrument of life and it is no more with death, the soul continues its transformation. It is never an ending, it is a new beginning.

We have learned that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transformed. Life is an adventure but so is what comes after.

Attachment is natural and when someone you cherished passes away, a great void is left and we project that feeling onto the person that departed, we imagine him or her suffering before and after but this is not so. That person is now completely free for their next adventure.

In the beliefs that we hold on to, Death is usually not the enemy; the enemy is our fear of death.

We must change and teach people who are close to death to lose their fear and to receive what is to come with joy; that is a beautiful endeavor that we rarely undertake. The fear of death will then disappear. The mood will be such that it will be welcome. What will happen? The person will be a able to let it happen and there will be no worries.

Remember that love is to let the other free, try to let go of your attachments no matter hard it seems separation is only an illusion. Consider it an adventure journey to a far away land with the certainty that the person departing shall depart in peace.

From the moment we are born we begin to die, slowly. Have you ever asked yourself who or what you were before you were born? Death is merely coming home. So, why not live life like a short adventure instead of taking it so seriously? Who do you not give love to and to who have you not said goodbye? Be thankful for those who have accompanied you and to those who you may not have liked, have helped you learn about yourself.

We are all connected and intertwined even though we are not aware of it and we are only experiencing different aspects of our being; we are part of a whole, we are the source experiencing itself.

Lose your fear and surrender to love; it is the only road towards peace, it is the only way for your adventure to last, to bring you happiness. We will go back home.

I love you.

Jocelyne Ramniceanu

More Ho´oponopono Tools

Dear friend, today I wish to make a contribution different from my usual ponderings and writings. Today I want to share with you some Ho´oponopono tools that you might not be familiar with. I am certain they will interest you. I became aware of these Ho´oponopono tools or processes through a series of videos called Zero Limits III.

You can get these videos online through Joe Vitale and they are all in English. In them, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len explains different tools to clean our subconscious of data that impedes our happiness and our peace. One of these tools, apart from the ones we already know, is the use of the eraser-topped pencil that has never been sharpened, that can be activated with the words “dew drop” and once activated it can be used to erase memories. The procedure consists of touching objects with the eraser on top of the pencil to erase data or negative situations related to them, such as touching the computer if it is malfunctioning, a bill, your cell phone, etc, everything that represents a problem for you can be touched with the eraser of the activated pencil without forgetting that you are the creator of the situation you see outside. If you do not have a pencil on hand, you can also imagine it. Once you activate the pencil, it stays activated.

Another tool mentioned by Dr. Len is down pillows for sleeping. He says they help erase data whilst you are sleeping.

The data found in your subconscious he calls “garbage” and that is what they are because they are not letting us contact are divine part and they manifest themselves in the shape of problems to remind us to erase them.

He also mentions candy canes and jelly beans, the latter as a tool that helps you be at the right place and in the perfect moment.

Another tool or process is to open and close both hands at the same time, as if repeatedly holding and releasing. It helps with our inner wars, our personal battles, for example you are on an airplane and you are afraid, you open and close your hands several times, adding the phrase “whatever is happening inside me, I love you, thank you”. This allows you to expel the memories and let them go. You let go and give them to God with every hand gesture.

The important thing when cleansing is to take responsibility of the fact that you are creating this situation and when you achieve the “Zero” state which is the equivalent of void, your original state, everyone around you is in “Zero”. But the “Zero” state always begins with you. If you feel love, everyone around you will feel love until another memory appears.

Once you have been erasing for some time, you will receive the inspiration to know which words to say or what to do to clean that data from your subconscious. Inspiration will be present in your life, you just have to let go and trust. You do not need teachers, you only need to clean and take 100% responsibility that whatever exists in your world is being created by you.

I love you.

Jocelyne Ramniceanu

Once Upon A Time . . .

I woke up one day and found myself part of a story that had begun a long time ago. Then, like child´s play, I quickly began to learn the rules so I could play.

I basically had to learn everything and get up to date. I could not remember anything previous to the game which made me feel tiny, fragile and more than a little bit lost.

I was very interested in learning how to play the game as quickly as possible and made a tremendous effort to do so as best as I could. But this game baffled me and I was very frustrated. The rules did not apply correctly and the rewards were late in arriving. I believed it was a matter of size and that I would probably understand once I grew up.

Some people call this game life. For me it was just another game but I could not remember why it was that I had to play it neither could I give up nor did I know how to fold from it. I searched for its meaning without being able to find it.

So I adapted to it. I had a hunch that there were shortcuts to win the match and I knew that even if I did not give it my best effort, I would never lose but the game led me to a dead end.

I also knew that there was a fast lane, filled with prizes and that the time consumed n finding it was important. The road was full of hints but there were many traps that mislead me. If I focused on them, I could avoid getting confused. The secret was to listen to my inner voice but the obstacles almost always distracted me.

With time I learned that everything I saw, everything I Heard and everything I felt, spoke only of me, told me exactly what I believed and that being a mirror image, that was not the way to find the exit. If I looked for someone to give me a clue, I found only what I already knew. When I asked who the person was and why they played this game, all I found was the same ignorance everywhere. I then understood that the answers were not to be found outside because they were all the eco of my own voice.

I continued to obsess about why I played this game and how to beat it.

I began to search for the clues within myself. I found a dark place, filled with debris, lots of garbage: it was a labyrinth with no way out. To my surprise, I discovered that everything I believed in was a hindrance to me, everything I had learnt and everything I had thought had become a huge concrete wall that blocked my path. I tried to get information from there but soon realized that none of it helped. I was surrounded by tons of knowledge but no wisdom. I felt frustrated because I no longer knew where to go. I had tried everything without finding any answers and the more I insisted, the bigger the obstacles got.

In the end, I gave up. I told myself that I was perhaps searching in the wrong place or perhaps I had overlooked some important detail. I sat down on the sidewalk, with my legs crossed and decided to insist no more. I relaxed and tranquilly observed my toes when a voice whispered in my ear: “ONCE YOU LET GO, MIRACLES HAPPEN”.

Then everything was clear. I found that the answers to my questions were in a place where memories do not exist and that the game was of my creation, that the rules had been created by me and that my power was so great that I could change them as I pleased.

I love you

Jocelyne Ramniceanu

When I Have Trouble Writing

There are days when I find myself inspired and I want to send out a lot of messages in a row but I do not because I do not want to invade your email and then there are days like today in which I dare not write. Nothing comes to mind . . . I am blocked.

I guess I am paying attention to those memories inside me and that constantly repeat: “YOU CANNOT DO THIS”. Now that I am observing them, I can clean them or at least I think so because I have decided to write, regardless of what my memories dictate. I have decided to erase them and pay them no mind, not believe them, just blow them off. . .

That is what it is all about, letting go . . . then they disappear. It is about telling them “Memories, THANK YOU for reminding me that I must erase, that I no longer need you in my life. I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU for reminding me that you are still there. So I begin to write without resistance because whatever we resist comes back with more force. I do not fight my memories nor do I get stuck on them . . . I release them and suddenly the fear vanishes and inspiration appears. I am no longer afraid.

We frequently have voices inside our heads, one that says “YOU CANNOT DO IT”; “THIS IS WRONG”; “IT IS YOUR FAULT” and another one that says “YES”;“I WANT TO DO THIS”; “OF COURSE I CAN”; “THERE IS NOTHING WRONG”. Well, they could go on for hours, with all kinds of arguments, rebuttals and manipulations or I can forget them, leave them be but they will come back again and again until we clean in ourselves what causes them: fear. This will happen repeatedly until I take care of it. It is our scared, inner child who acts this way because it believes it is protecting us and this is what it learned.
Cleaning is like pressing the delete button on our computer´s keyboard, thus cancelling those memories that are no longer of use to us.

These memories miraculously go away . . . they disappear.

How good it is to realize that it is our memories the ones that are in charge and not stay that way, passive, with the record playing again and again and we under the domain of our subconscious, on automatic. How good it is to live in the present! Ho´oponopono helps us to be alert and conscious of our thoughts because our thoughts create the reality we live in.

Can you imagine the tremendous power inside us? We can create and eliminate all those programs that no longer work . . . When we resign . . . Life becomes a gift.

It is important to remember that man always gets what he wants when he resigns his personal will, allowing divine intelligence to work through him.

A hug for all of you, good night and thank you for being there, thank you for your emails and your comments.

Jocelyne Ramniceanu

We Are Growing, We Are Changing

Perhaps you are not aware of why it would be a good thing if more people were to practice Ho´oponopono. Let me tell you how I see it.

I create my reality and everything that happens in my life is my responsibility because it is my creation. My beliefs create my reality conscious and unconsciously.  My belief system is comprised of my own personal beliefs as well as those of the unconscious collective.  As I change, my reality and yours´ also changes. As we all change, the world changes and becomes better, my personal work will multiply and accelerate. The same will happen to you, we will all benefit from this. We will become critical mass and then be able to leap forward on the evolutionary scale. We will be able to unveil our past and remember who we really are. God made us perfect and we shall help each other to awaken.

Did you know we are all one? You are me, I am you and we are not separate even though we believe we are. Someday we will understand this better and we will manifest only love. That day could be today, right now, you decide.

This technique is not the only one that exists. There are many but it is an excellent way. They all lead us to find our inner self. At some point of our long lives we forget who we are and get confused. Our essence is love and we are one with our maker. Let us continue to spread this beautiful way to live.


Thanks for spreading the word . . . Thank you.

I love you

Jocelyne Ramniceanu


I am not a victim, I am responsible.

What happens when things do not turn out right? If I had a bad day and fought with the members of my family or with my co-workers? Who am I to blame? If it is one of those days in which everything turns out wrong? Will I find someone to blame?

I have no one to blame!!! Everything that happens to me is directly linked to my thoughts. All my thoughts, almost all of them, come from my memories. We hardly have any new thoughts.

My programs are causing all of this. There are no guilty parties out there. I am just repeating my past, constantly re-writing it.

Ho’oponopono allows me to not feel like a victim anymore. Now I can take full responsibility of everything that happens in my life, of what I am creating. The good thing is that I can change it, I can change my reality, I can change myself, I can erase my memories and erasing brings change.

You are the sole creator of your reality. You have an enormous power. You have no idea how many memories and thoughts you have in your subconscious you can begin to erase. Thank you, thank you, thank you, I love you, I love you memories, thank you for the opportunity of cleaning you.

I love you

Jocelyne Ramniceanu